Best 10 food factory destinations in Japan

Here are the three reasons why I recommend a food factory tour in Japan:

High-Quality Standards and Advanced Technology:
“Japan is renowned for its stringent quality control and cutting-edge technology in food production. Visitors can witness firsthand the meticulous processes and innovations that ensure the highest standards of food safety and quality.”

Cultural and Educational Experience:
“A factory tour provides a unique opportunity to immerse oneself in Japanese culture. Visitors can learn about traditional and modern food production techniques, gaining insights into Japan’s rich culinary heritage and its evolution over time.”

Unique and Authentic Products:
“Japanese food factories often produce iconic and unique items such as sushi, sake, and confectioneries. Visitors have the chance to see how these beloved products are made, from raw ingredients to the finished product, offering an authentic and memorable experience.”

味覚糖工場 (Meiji Seika Kaisha, Ltd.)

名前: Meiji Seika Kaisha, Ltd.
住所: 6-16 Shirakawacho, Kanagawa-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa 221-0038, Japan
電話番号: +81 45-451-6111
Comment: Experience the fascinating world of confectionery at Meiji Seika Kaisha, Ltd. factory. Witness the production line and indulge in various candy samples.
カップヌードルミュージアム (Cup Noodles Museum)

名前: Cup Noodles Museum
住所: 2 Chome-3-4 Shinko, Naka Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 231-0001, Japan
電話番号: +81 45-345-0918
Comment: Dive into the innovative history of instant noodles at the Cup Noodles Museum. Create your personalized Cup Noodles and unleash your creativity.
京都伊藤久右衛門抹茶製造工場 (Itohkyuemon Uji Matcha Manufacturing Factory)

名前: Itohkyuemon
住所: 376 Ito Kiyomizucho, Higashiyama Ward, Kyoto, 605-0864, Japan
電話番号: +81 75-561-1177
Comment: Immerse yourself in the world of matcha at Itohkyuemon’s manufacturing factory. Experience the art of making matcha and indulge in a traditional tea ceremony.
宇治抹茶製造工場 (Uji Matcha Manufacturing Factory)

名前: Uji Matcha Tea Fields and Factory
住所: 17 Ujirenge, Uji, Kyoto 611-0021, Japan
電話番号: +81 774-22-3333
Comment: Discover the essence of Uji matcha at the Uji Matcha Tea Fields and Factory. Learn about the production process and savor the rich flavors of matcha.
京都和菓子製造工場 (Kyoto Traditional Japanese Confectionery Factory)

名前: Yatsuhashi Honten
住所: 213-3 Gionmachi Kitagawa, Higashiyama Ward, Kyoto, 605-0073, Japan
電話番号: +81 75-561-6550
Comment: Experience the delicate art of Japanese confectionery making at Yatsuhashi Honten. Enjoy traditional wagashi sweets and witness skilled artisans in action.
東京醤油製造工場 (Tokyo Soy Sauce Manufacturing Factory)

名前: Nihon Shoyu Kabushikigaisha Tokyo Factory
住所: 5-25-2 Ichinoe, Edogawa City, Tokyo 134-0085, Japan
電話番号: +81 3-3678-1361
Comment: Delve into the world of soy sauce at the Nihon Shoyu Kabushikigaisha Tokyo Factory. Learn about the fermentation process and sample freshly brewed soy sauce.
富士宮やきそば製造工場 (Fujiyama Yakisoba Manufacturing Factory)

名前: Kanpou
住所: 6-12 Wakamiyacho, Fujinomiya, Shizuoka 418-0067, Japan
電話番号: +81 544-22-0050
Comment: Treat your taste buds to the savory delights of Fujinomiya yakisoba at Kanpou’s manufacturing factory. Experience the aroma of freshly cooked yakisoba noodles.
奈良漬物製造工場 (Nara Pickles Manufacturing Factory)

名前: Nara Umegae Mochikichi
住所: 3-7 Chuincho, Nara, 630-8395, Japan
電話番号: +81 742-22-0393
Comment: Explore the world of traditional Nara pickles at Nara Umegae Mochikichi. Sample a variety of pickled vegetables and learn about the pickling process.
沼津わさび製造工場 (Numazu Wasabi Manufacturing Factory)

名前: Numazu Wasabi-en
住所: 71-1 Honjo, Numazu, Shizuoka 410-0801, Japan
電話番号: +81 55-966-0394
Comment: Experience the pungent flavors of freshly grated wasabi at Numazu Wasabi-en. Learn about wasabi cultivation and enjoy the unique taste of this Japanese condiment.
明石醤油製造工場 (Akashi Soy Sauce Manufacturing Factory)

名前: Akashi Shoyu Co., Ltd.
住所: 2-1 Okubocho, Akashi, Hyogo 673-0873, Japan
電話番号: +81 78-914-0030
Comment: Dive into the rich history of Akashi soy sauce at Akashi Shoyu Co., Ltd. factory. Experience the umami flavors of authentic soy sauce and discover the secrets of its production.
